BumbleKast #107 – Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: On the extra-long season finale of the BumbleKast, Ian and Kyle dive into the finale Star Wars film. Well...final in the nineth-ology. We start non-spoilery and give you a heads-up before we get into the details.<br> <br> Patreon Perk – Jump the Q&amp;A: 58:30<br> <br> Support the show on Patreon and Ko-Fi!<br> Shop the BumbleStore!<br> <br> Ad Spot<br> Daniel H. would like to promote Jennifer Hernandez, the insanely talented artist we all know and love. The link below is for her Ko-Fi page and as cold as it is, why not send a few bucks her way? It’ll help keep her in business and keep the lights on. Thank you for your time and have a happy holiday.<br> https://ko-fi.com/chibijenhen<br> <br> <br> <br> Show Information<br> Your hosts:<br> <br> Ian "BumbleKing" Flynn - Head writer of Sonic the Hedgehog comics for IDW Publishing and Mega Man for Archie Comics, also writing for Archie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more<br> Kyle "KyleJCrb" Crouse - Founder &amp; Administrator of the KNGI Network, host of the Nitro Game Injection video game music podcast<br> <br> Subscribe and listen on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Play<br> <br> RSS Feed for podcast apps and readers<br> Check out BumbleKing Comics and the KNGI Network<br> Like BumbleKing Comics &amp; KNGI on Facebook<br> Follow @BumbleKast, @IanFlynnBKC &amp; @KyleJCrb on Twitter<br> Get some BumbleGear at the BumbleStore<br> <br> Original music in this episode composed by Ken "coda" Snyder, used with permission – Check out his music on Bandcamp<br> Intro remix version by Tee Lopes!<br> Special Thanks to our friends at Noise Channel! Pay what you want for the theme song and more great music as part of their charity compilation Noisechan &amp; Nugget: Adventures in Chiptunes<br> <br> Want to have your product promoted on the show? Check out the Patreon site to find out how!<br> <br> Want to ask us a question? Ask at:<br> <br> Twitter at @BumbleKast<br> Email bumblekast [at] yahoo [dot] com<br> YouTube comments<br> Patrons can post on Patreon – https://patreon.com/bumblekast<br> <br> PRIORITY Q&amp;A<br> IanWaffles<br> With the Archie Sonic comics no longer being officially distributed, along with Sega’s habit of distancing itself from older Sonic properties, what do you think would be lost from Sonic’s legacy, if anything at all, if we lost access to or forgot about the Archie Sonic comics? Would we be losing a certain amount of heart or creativity from the franchise or was the comic’s tone and direction something better abandoned?<br> <br> Diane W.<br> Hello Ian, I’m happy that you are still fighting to get the Freedom Fighters into the IDW comics and I’m glad you still like them. However, I heard that if the Freedom Fighters ever do appear in IDW, they’ll have to be redesigned for IDW due to the fact that the redesigns were made when the comics were being published by Archie and would be locked under their copyright claim. I don’t want them to be redesigned because personally, I liked the reboot designs for the Freedom Fighters, some fit them quite well, especially Sally’s. So, with this, will you please fight to gain legal rights to use the Archie reboot designs from Archie and use them for IDW? Please, because honestly, I cannot imagine Nicole as anything but a Holo-Lynx.<br> <br> Andrew D.<br> In regards to Sonic Genesis, was there a miscommunication for the battle in Final Zone between you and the artist? There was some sort of shield around Sonic that was apparently a bad thing, but it didn't seem to affect Sonic in any way. Rotor was also able to remove that shield by doing something outside the room. Am I right in assuming this was a miscommunication where you asked to have a shield around the room trapping Sonic and Eggman, but the artist accidentally interpreted it as a shield around Sonic?