Episode 48 Noora Räty and Frederik Andersen

InGoal Radio Podcast show

Summary: In this Episode of the InGoal Radio Podcast presented by The Hockey Shop Source for Sports ,  we have a lengthy interview with one of the finest women's goaltenders in the world - Noora Räty of Finland, now playing professionally for Kunlun Red Star in China. Her National Team career began at 15, the Olympics at 16, she has an remarkable NCAA record, including an undefeated senior season with a .956 save %, and has been playing for Kunlun since 2017.  Like all the pros we meet, Räty shares her story of beginning in net and her development into a pro. She also gives us her thoughts on the challenges facing the women's professional game today. There's no Uber in Vancouver but Kevin Woodley is quickly becoming the "Uber for Goalies" as we're beginning to think he chauffeurs every NHL pro in town around in his car. This week Freddie Andersen hopped in with Woody and had a chat that we'll all enjoy. There's lots more from the goalie world including small cameos from Tim Thomas and Carey Price, talk of lacrosse goals, and a scary scene in the Ontario Hockey League. For our gear segment, our Ask Cam was so popular last week that it returns, rebranded with a slightly less awkward name, thanks to InGoal listener Alan Nosworthy, as Questions for Cam. They talk about helmets - do you really have to buy the top of the line? are there options? Fitting gloves as minor hockey goalies grow - or if you're a tiny-handed adult like Hutch - and things get a bit personal as one reader asks how many cups Cam wears on the ice! You might be surprised to hear how many....