Terraform State File – Secure and scale your deployments | The DevOps Lab

Channel 9 show

Summary: In this episode, Abel sits down again with April Edwards to talk about Terraform state files. Keeping track of what an environment should and does look like can be a challenge, particularly when it comes to scalability. State files are a way to solve that problem. April walks through the creation of state files, their use in managing scalability, as well as the security of these state files, which is extremely important in a real production system! [00:32] - What are state files?[00:54] - State files demo[04:50] - Securing state files[06:50] - Scaling deployments Follow April on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheAprilEdwardsFollow Abel on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AbelSquidHead Resources: Terraform State Files documentation: https://aka.ms/dol/terraformdocsTutorial: Store Terraform state in Azure Storage: https://aka.ms/dol/terraformazureTry Azure for free: https://aka.ms/devopslabazurefree