Four Tips for Goal Setting in 2020 – Work In Sports Podcast

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of Content and Engaged Learning at and this is the Work in Sports podcast. Last week I was in Phoenix for or business summit. The whole team at Work In Sports gets together -- we talk business, set strategy for the coming year, brainstorm ideas and features, crack a few beers eat some bad food -- it’s a great time. Oh, and I almost forgot -- we set goals. <a href=""></a>I’ve never been a big goal setter. Guess I never chose to look too far into the future, I always liked to be where I am and stay present in the moment. Which now that it say it out loud sure sounds like I’m a tree-hugging hippie...which in some ways I guess I am. But as I age… and since I have a birthday this week, this whole aging thing is smacking me right in the face… as i age, I do tend to look to the future more, I do tend to set goals and have expectations… and you know what? It feels pretty darn good each year when you hit them, or surpass them.Two years ago, I had a goal to launch a podcast for our brand. Check that box. I also had a goal for 1 million downloads. Haven’t checked that box.Last year I had a goal to create an online curriculum sharing the knowledge no one teaches you in college about getting hired in sports. Check that box. Welcome to the Work In Sports Academy. So I’m a goals guy now. And I kind of like it. I can still be where I am, still, feel present in the moment, but now I try to see where I’m going to be standing and how cool it looks -- just a little bit more.It’s incredibly motivating not just to have a goal, but to visualize what it will look and feel like when you hit it. I don’t know about you, but the visualization I have of what I will look like and feel like when I hit my goals is pretty awesome -- I’m super handsome, have a great tan, the sun is shining but I’m not sweating, my bosses are patting me on the back, my wife is laughing at my jokes… and my kids just look at me with such admiration.And.. daydream complete. Any way this dovetails brilliantly into today’s question from Kevin in Washington state. Kevin Asks… Hey Brian -- I’ve never heard you talk much about goal setting and its importance in advancing in your career and life. Can you provide any tips for setting goals that help drive you forward in your career?”Yes, Kevin. I can. My goal is to answer this question for you. But, with a caveat. There are hundreds of goal setting articles out there that will tell you how to set goals, SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. I could sit here and go through that kind of stuff… but someone else has spent decades writing this acronym and all the details of every term… you’d be better off listening to their podcast.  What I’d rather do is give you tips that can help you make your goals as logical as possible. 1. Write goals that align with your values.You’ll have bosses in life that want your goals to be all about the business and how you are driving it forward… but that’s uninspiring. And at the same time, if you only set goals that are personal in nature than a huge percentage of your life, which is spent at work, is a rudderless disarray of moments with no true directionYou need to make goals that fit your personal and professional life, that would give you joy and a sense of accomplishment in each...and the best way to do that is staying true to your values and what motivates you. Your goals need to be about you -- but remember a big part of you is your work life, so don’t forget to incorporate what motivates you there as well.2: Set Goals You Can Control.Saying you are going to get a job you love this year is not a goal you can control. You can’t control someone else deciding to hire you. You might as well be setting a goal saying “I’m going to get a girlfriend this year!” to which I would ask… does she have a choice in the matter because you sound a litt...