Art Berman: Houston, We Have A Problem

Peak Prosperity show

Summary: Every week in our Off The Cuff Series, we interview expert minds on the premium side of These discussions are unscripted and informal, where my partner Chris Martenson and his guest react to recent macro developments and predict the likeliest repercussions. Every once in while, when we have an exceptionally timely conversation, we'll make it available to the public. And we're doing that this week. Chris caught petroleum geologist Art Berman right before he went on stage to deliver a presentation on the limitations of shale oil. The world is finally starting to realize that the profit-making potential of this space was drastically over-hyped. But more important, warns Art, is that the souring sentiment on shale oil is a reflection on the bigger challenge ahead of us: How we will power the world in a future of declining net energy?