PEOPLE: Leadership Lessons from Gettysburg and Beyond

Between the Slides show

Summary: The Battle of Gettysburg was a devastating event for both the Union and Confederate armies. In this episode I share some of the timeless leadership lessons we can all learn from key leaders involved in the battles that took place in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania from July 1, 1863 to July 3, 1863. "Between the Slides 5" (+2) for this episode: * Leaders must be adaptable and empower their people | Example: Maj. Gen. John Buford * We must always consider the time wedge and not ignore the voice of our people | Example: Lt. Gen. Richard Ewell * We must work to clearly receive the message, understand its content, decide on a course of action and communicate the clarity of our strategic direction | Example: Maj. Gen. Dan Sickles * We should always be asking, "..and then what?" and have back up plans | Example: Col. Joshua Chamberlain * We must prepare ourselves to receive and give the difficult orders | Example: Maj. Gen. George Pickett Bonus: * We must be comfortable with "I don't know" and ask for clarity when objectives are not clear | Example: Maj. Gen. George Meade * We should all strive to be imperturbable, but not be a robot | Example: General-in-Chief Ulysses S. Grant Please take time to visit the show website and please also rate and leave a written review on iTunes.  If you're enjoying the show also consider subscribing. Thank you all and Godspeed, Kevin Kevin Pannell, PMP | | Instagram & Twitter: pannellkg | Facebook: Betweentheslides | Email: #leadership #Gettysburg #adaptability #noego #nosilo #CivilWar