The Expanse Season 4 Episodes 1 - 3 Review

Super Tuesday Recap - Comic Book & TV Show Reviews show

Summary: We told you we were doing it and we delivered. Ro and Kriss are here to review Season 4 of The Expanse. We will be reviewing this is 3 episode chunks. We got early access to the first 6 episodes on Amazon Prime Video and in order to keep spoilers to a minimum we're only releasing a review of the first 3 now. Episodes 4 - 6 will come shortly after the series releases this Friday.<br> So how is season 4 so far? Excellent of course. The move to Amazon Prime Video from SyFy has been good to this show. It's as beautiful as ever and since the events of season 3 literally opened up whole new worlds to explore, we get to see that Amazon budget in full effect. There are several interesting dynamics happening early in season 4:<br> <br> <br> * Some Belters make it  pass the UN blockade and make it through the gate and settle on one of the worlds. There's an interesting dynamic between Belters who believe they should stick to the stars and never settle on a planet and those who feel like planets like "New Terra" are the chance for those who have never felt the ground beneath their feet to finally have land to call their own<br> * Bobbie is back home on Mars but feels like an outcast. Even though she saved Mars and is a patriot, her home planet views her as a traitor who put Earth over Mars<br> * Amos is still very much Amos. And he picks up an interesting nemesis this season in Adolphus Murtry (Played by Burn Gorman). Both of them are killers, its just that Amos is one of the good guys. We love Amos<br> * Chrisjen Avasarala is now the UN Secretary-General and is facing an election challenge from a young upstart who believes the Secretary-General is being too cautious when it comes to the new worlds. Avasarala is worried that the "land rush" is going to lead to the fragile peace being destroyed and worse, that whatever killed the builders as well as the protomolecule are still out there.<br> * Holden and the crew are dispatched by Avasarala to Ilus/New Terra to investigate if the protomolecule is there and if it's safe for the Belters to stay. Once they land they're not only attacked by something but they notice there are large monoliths around the world. Holden works with "Miller" to try to "solve the case" but in the process could be causing even bigger issues.<br> <br> All that and more and that's just the first three episodes. Season 4 of The Expanse drops on Amazon Prime on December 13th. Make sure you check it out and then stay tuned as we continue to review the rest of this 10 episode season.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> Like what you hear? Subscribe so you don't miss an episode!<br> <br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> <br> <br> <a href=";isi=691797987&amp;ius=googleplaymusic&amp;link=" rel="nofollow"></a><br>  <br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> <br> Follow us on Twitter:<br> <br> <br> <a href="">@TheMTRNetwork</a><br> <br> Our shirts are now on TeePublic:  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&amp;ust=1538166391312000&amp;usg=AFQjCNEXvr01WeIcgxYaW5xw_DYFefiPgQ"></a><br> <br>  <br> <br> Want more podcast greatness? Sign up for a <a href="">MTR Premium Account!</a>