The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: HOW TO STOP PUTTING SO MUCH PRESSURE ON YOURSELF<br> PODCAST #367<br> Putting pressure on yourself doesn't get you better results in life. Pressure just increases stress and makes you overwhelmed. This episode will teach you how to be nicer to yourself and how to use positive motivation instead of negative pressure.<br> <br> In this podcast episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about:<br> <br> The ways in which we put pressure on ourselves, and what it does to us<br> Why we put pressure on ourselves<br> How to stop the pressure-cycle for good and have more happiness<br> <br> <br> <br> If you haven’t yet gotten your hands on my morning journal, the Freedom Journal, there’s no better time than now to deepen your morning routine with God. This 8-minute/day process, which I’ll teach you for free, obviously, is the place to start. Get it now at www.trishblackwell.com/freedomjournal<br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> Keep on doing you – 5 stars by LoveyaLongThyme<br> <br> <br> <br> Trish has been teaching me how to slow down and really pay attention to life. She is always opening my eyes and giving great tips on making the most of our time on earth. Her spiritual podcasts were my favorite! No matter what she talks about it somehow helps me and I highly encourage people to give it a listen! My only critique is I cannot hear her in my car because her tone is so soft and soothing. Thank the Lord for Trish and Bluetooth headphones. Keep doing you, Trish!<br> WHY WE PUT PRESSURE ON OURSELVES<br> Peel back the onion and don’t just use the cop-out of personality.<br> <br> Some of it is our wiring, but most of it is a belief system.<br> <br> As a little girl I believed I could fix my family’s problems if I was just good enough, just successful enough.<br> <br> What about you?<br> <br> Resource Mentioned:<br> <br> Dr. Leaf www.drleaf.com<br> <br> Dr. Leaf’s TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjhANyrKpv8<br> 3 MAIN TYPES OF PRESSURE WE PUT ON OURSELVES: <br> PRESSURE TO BE PERFECT<br> There is a difference between high achievement and perfection.<br> <br> Desire to be a certain weight, or parent or achiever.<br> PRESSURE TO BE SUCCESSFUL<br> There is a line between a full life and an overwhelmed life<br> <br> Desire to be impressive, to be admired, to be applauded, to be the best.<br> PRESSURE TO BE LIKED.<br> We are wired for connection, but trying to get people to like you is like chasing the wind.<br> <br> Desire to be popular and praised, to have a guarantee that will never be lonely.<br> <br> The main three lies we believe (part of the basics of Psychiatry 101):<br> <br> I’m helpless.<br> <br> I’m worthless.<br> <br> I’m unloveable.<br> PUTTING PRESSURE ON YOURSELF JUST DOESN'T WORK<br> It fills your life with:<br> Anxiety<br> <br> Comparison<br> <br> Competition<br> <br> Overwhelm<br> <br> Overcommitment<br> And feelings of:<br> Being less than<br> <br> Being constantly behind<br> <br> Being unqualified<br> <br> Scarcity<br> <br> Stress<br> <br> The more pressure you put on yourself, the more prone you will be to the toxic cycle of self-sabotage.<br> <br> We weren’t created to live in a pressure cooker – we are wired for wild adventure and encouragement.<br> <br> [Podcast references]<br> <br>  How to Stop Being So Self-Critical, #366<br> <br> www.trishblackwell.com/366<br> <br> How to be Free from People Pleasing, #324<br> <br> www.trishblackwell.com/324<br> <br> How to Increase Confidence Through Self-Compassion, #321<br> <br> www.trishblackwell.com/321<br> <br> Those anxieties on your heart this morning? I hear them too. I know you felt them when you woke, and when you tossed and turned last night. I get it. Because I have them too.<br> <br> Anxiety is part of the human condition,