Superman – Supermans Secret Part5. 481224.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Clark is on the way to the office of Perry White as he greets a few folks with Christmas greetings. Perry and Lois have been trying to catch Clark at being Superman, and expose his real identity. Will they be able to do it in this episode? <br> Using his X-Ray vision, he’s tipped off and makes a get away before he can be lured into Perry’s trap. <br> Meanwhile Clark visits with Batman, the only person who he has admitted his secret identity to. He explains previous events from earlier episodes, and they talk about how to handle keeping his secret. The thing to do is to make Perry believe he’s wrong about Clark. <br> What’s Batman’s plan? Batman rearranges Clarks face, with make up of course. Will it fool the ship captain? Will he be revealed as Superman? Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure. If only it still existed. Rats.<br> Before the exciting conclusion of the episode, the announcer shares a few words on the real meaning of Christmas, lasting peace, and what the Bible says about it. <br> PS: This sounds like a fun series, too bad this is the only episode in this particular run of the show. <br>