Cinnamon Bear – Weasley The Wailing Whale. ep5, 371203.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Our heroes are surrounded by the Inka poo Paper Indians and are threatened with execution after breaking their laws. It’s looking bad for Jim, Judy, and the Cinnamon Bear. Suspense builds, but we haven’t seen the last of the Crazy Quilt Dragon just yet. Just when the Silver Star is almost within reach, a new obstacle arises in the form of a blue polka dot whale. <br> Note: Glanville Heisch not only wrote the script, he also penned most of the lyrics to the songs, which were sung by the Paul Taylor Quartet. The popularity of the series never wavered. In the mid 1980s, its fan club, the Cinnamon Bear Brigade, had over 400 members, making it larger than most OTR clubs.<br>