Dad’s Army – The Battle of Godfrey’s Cottage. ep1-05, 740225

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Captain Mannering gets a word of advice from Jones before the men begin arriving. He briefs them on the command post, and how to react should there be an invasion from the enemy. Despite interruptions, the men have the plan to place the machine gun. The best location is at Godfrey’s cottage/ As long as they can find the key to let them in. <br> When Mannering is down in the vault, an alarm is sounded. Is it the signal for an invasion? With most of the Home Guard off to see a training film, a skeleton crew heads off to place that machine gun. Will the nice Mrs Godfrey cooperate with the Home Guard? This won’t mess up the furniture, will it? <br> Anticipating action, the men discuss western movies, where the Indians attack/ is this a foreshadowing of things to come? Noises have the men on edge, but it’s just the Godfrey’s parrot. Will the brave men survived the night? <br>