ep. 009 - Violence

Basement Gamedev Podcast show

Summary: Taylor Fischer  (Artist) from Firaxis, Michelle Menard (Game Designer) from Zynga East, and Bryanna Lindsey (Effects Designer) from Zenimax join Tronster and Brett Doerle one more time in the basement to talk about game development.  This time the topic of "Violence" in terms of gore, guts, and sexualization in video games is discussed. Michelle’s recent book Game Development with Unity [Amazon] is available for purchase.Information about MAGFest can be found on Magfest.org  Audio engineering by Bryan Lee. Theme Music “The Massacre” by FantomenK“Views expressed by hosts and guests are solely of the individuals and do not reflect the views of their current or prior employers. Copyright 2012, All Rights Reserved. [ DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE ]