Saturday, December 7, 2019

Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar) show

Summary: SOOHEE, THIRD MEHL: Through the True Word of the Shabad, true happiness prevails, there where the True Lord is contemplated. Egotism and all sinful residues are eradicated, when one keeps the True Lord enshrined in the heart. One who keeps the True Lord enshrined in the heart, crosses over the terrible and dreadful world-ocean; he shall not have to cross over it again. True is the True Guru, and True is the Word of His Bani; through it, the True Lord is seen. One who sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord merges in Truth; he beholds the True Lord everywhere. O Nanak, True is the Lord and Master, and True is His Name; through Truth, comes emancipation. || 1 || The True Guru reveals the True Lord; the True Lord preserves our honor. The true food is love for the True Lord; through the True Name, peace is obtained. Through the True Name, the mortal finds peace; he shall never die, and never again enter the womb of reincarnation. His light blends with the Light, and he merges into the True Lord; he is illuminated and enlightened with the True Name. Those who know the Truth are True; night and day, they meditate on Truth. O Nanak, those whose hearts are filled with the True Name, never suffer the pains of separation. || 2 || In that home, and in that heart, where the True Bani of the Lord’s True Praises are sung, the songs of joy resound. Through the immaculate virtues of the True Lord, the body and mind are rendered True, and God, the True Primal Being, dwells within. Such a person practices only Truth, and speaks only Truth; whatever the True Lord does, that alone comes to pass. Wherever I look, there I see the True Lord pervading; there is no other at all. From the True Lord, we emanate, and into the True Lord, we shall merge; death and birth come from duality. O Nanak, He Himself does everything; He Himself is the Cause. || 3 || The true devotees look beautiful in the Darbaar of the Lord’s Court. They speak Truth, and only Truth. Deep within the nucleus of their heart, is the True Word of the Lord’s Bani. Through the Truth, they understand themselves. They understand themselves, and so know the True Lord, through their true intuition. True is the Shabad, and True is its Glory; peace comes only from Truth. Imbued with Truth, the devotees love the One Lord; they do not love any other. O Nanak, he alone obtains the True Lord, who has such pre-ordained destiny written upon his forehead. || 4 || 2 || 3 || Hukamnama from