5 Steps to Identifying and Channeling Your Motivation

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 5 Steps to Identifying and Channeling Your Motivation. Motivation can be a powerful tool, but many people struggle to ever identify, nurture, and channel it properly. In fact, if we go to the dictionary, we will see that motivation is derived from its root word, ‘motive’. So, to be motivated, you need to have a motive, which is… “Something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act.” –Merriam-webster.com. As we see from our dictionary description, motivation is, basically, a motive that is going to cause you to act. All of us have motivations for doing what we do, but rarely is this applied to its maximum effectiveness. The truth is that a lot of people struggle to get motivated. They get in a slump, they stop trying, and eventually, motivation does not cause them to move forward… it simply serves as a hibernating survival mechanism that keeps them from falling apart. “Self-motivation is the power that raises a person to any level he seeks.” --John Maxwell But as a successful businessperson, you no doubt know that motivation plays an important role in the life of any successful person… and you should also know that learning to identify and channel your motivation can be a huge driving force that can carry you to the next level of success. But how do you use it? How do you identify it, and how do you channel it? We are doing to explore five simple steps that will give you everything you need to get started. Step #1… Identify your singular goal A lot of people fall into slumps because they are trying to do too many things all at the same time. We all have different goals in life. That cannot really be avoided… but identifying your one, true, singular goal can REALLY help to ground you and bring you back to reality. What is your purpose? What do you want to achieve? What matters more than anything else? These are questions that can help you to identify your most important goal. Once you figure out what that is, you will be well on your way to figuring out what to do next. To download my complimentary 6-page Values Clarification Exercise to help get you started on defining and getting clarity on your singular goal and your values, go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/values-clarification/. Step #2… Get Inspired If you have been having trouble getting and staying motivated, you might need a little bit of help in the inspiration department. Arming yourself with inspiration before focusing your energy towards what motivates you can be a great way to build momentum, belief in yourself, and faith in what you want to do. It can help to neutralize doubt and to put you in a position where you really believe in yourself. Once you are inspired and firmly believe in what you are doing, it is time to move on to the next step. Step #3… Get Excited If you are not excited about what is motivating you, then find a way to get excited about it again. Try to revisit what it was about your goals that first caused you to get excited. Try to figure out what killed your excitement, and work to neutralize it so that it will not hinder you again. Being motivated, inspired, AND excited all at once is a VERY powerful combination… and once you are at this point, you will be ready for the next step. Step #4… Get Started Whether you plan to begin moving forward today or on a date further ahead in the future, it is important that you make the leap. Now that you are motivated, inspired, and excited, it is time to use this energy to hurl you to the next level. Always remember to make a plan and stick to it, and remember that your plan should always lead you towards what is motivating you. This will make you far less likely to give up. Step #5… Be Consistent Motivation, like inspiration and excitement, can very well come and go with time. There will be times when you will feel very pumped about what you are doing, and then there will be times when you will feel like you don’t want to continue. But al