Damon Runyon Theatre – Dancing Dan’s Christmas. 490313

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Shotgun is a man who is looking for Dancing Dan, and thinks that Broadway might know how to find him. Not wanting to rock the boat, and to preserve his own lifespan, Broadway goes out of his way to avoid places where he might cross paths with Dancing Dan. The inevitable happens though, and Dan lets Broadway know that he’s going on the strait and narrow. <br> Before Dan sets out for his new life, he wants to stop by to say goodbye to his pal Charlie. Both he and Broadway are surprised to find their friend Oakie in a Santa Claus suit. He needs the job to pick up a nice gift for his wife, but with the cold, and snowy night, Dan is afraid Oakie will catch cold, or worse. Showing some goodwill towards men, Dan offers to wear the suit so Oakie can stay warm. <br> Word spreads fast, and Shotgun is sure to find out about the switch with the Santa suit. Will it help for Broadway to accompany Dan to keep him safe? The stress level kicks up for Broadway when he learns that Dan has $50K worth of jewelry in a packag that he plans to deliver to his girl, Muriel. When Dan arrives at Muriel’s, will he be filling up some stockings, or will Shotgun be waiting to fill Dan with lead? <br> Does Dan have any other options than to flee town, or be gunned down? <br> Later, while Broadway is back in the bar, he learns from Goodtime Charlie what happened that night after Dan ran off. Listen in, and you’ll know what happened to the big hearted Dan, including reconciling with Shotgun. <br>