Lum and Abner – Still More Problems For Abner. 450614

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The recent surprise witness turned out to be Dr Drill, the inventor of the robot. Will Abner be in extra trouble for stealing Robert? We join Squire and Dr Drill discussing Abner’s predicament in jail. Though Squire tries to convince the doctor to claim his stake in the case, the doctor doesn’t; want any 0part in it. He feels bad for the way things turned out. <br> In the jail, Abner recounts his side of the complicated case to his jailer, uncle Henry. Is it time he got another lawyer? With all the usual inmates gone for the time, uncle Henry wants to practice his Jujitsu moves on Abner. He’s just not sure about wearing those Jujitsu clothes. <br> In reading the instructions for the moves, uncle Henry gets Abner confused over adversaries and opponents. With the backfired move, and uncle Henry knocked out, Squire thinks Abner is escaping. All he wanted was medical help for uncle Henry. Not more charges added to his case. <br>