Jack Benny – Jack Buys A Wallet For Don. 481219

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The show starts with Jack and Mary doing some Christmas shopping. Mel Blanc is the sales clerk, and tries to up-sell Jack from the cheap wallet to a more expensive one for Don. Indecision kicks in. Should he have a monogram? Maybe add a card? <br> In another department, Jack talks with Frank Nelson about camping equipment for Phil. Here comes that bear joke again that has appeared in previous weeks. Mr Kitzel stops to talk about his trouble in shopping for his wife. <br> <a href="http://www.otrcat.com/258-4-1-5.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> Jack gets second thoughts, and goes back to make Mel Blanc unwrap the gift so Jack can make changes to the card. Phil is in the store and chats with Jack and Mary about his shopping adventure. After Phil leaves, Jack plugs his appearance on Phil’s show later. <br> The Sportsmen are the elevator operators, and give Jack a hard time as they sing out the floor departments. Mary goes to pick up a gift for her sister, Babe, and Jack goes back for another change up with Mel. The Beaver Club pop in to get a special gift for their 39year old treasurer. <br> Dennis shows up with a lunch for his mom, the on duty Santa in the store. Is it possible for Jack to make any more changes with his sale with Mel? Since Mel’s nerves are frazzled, Jack goes to get something for his sister, maybe the latest in lingerie fashion. <br> Rochester does some shopping while Jack spies on him. Will jack need to make any more last minute changes with Mel? The show wraps up with Dennis singing, Ave maria. <br>