Fibber McGee and Molly – The Mayor Overstays His Welcome. ep301, 411118

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Offered a job as dog catcher, Fibber has to turn it down. Before Mayor LaTrrivia can leave, the Old Timer has a proposition for the McGee’s and mayor. Will any of them win a chance on his punch board? Fibber gets confused over the mayor, and an afghan. Mirt the phone operator, calls to let Fibber know her grandmother got plastered again. She also has a message for the mayor. Martha Tilton sings, My Silent Love. <br> Beginning to feel like the man who came for dinner, the mayor balks at going down the front steps and possibly breaking a leg. Abigail Uppington meets them to talk about a matter for the civic council. Just as the mayor is ready to trot along, Harlow Wilcox arrives. <br> Will this be the moment the mayor departs? Teeny arrives for Fibber to caution her against using slang. Does he know what a colloquialism is? <br> Though Teeny departs, the mayor ends up in the hall closet; The Kingsmen sing, Thirty More Shopping Days Till Christmas. <br> Still trying to leave, the mayor is interrupted by Wallace Wimple, and a poem about his big old wife, Sweetie Face. Rain, the telephone, and a message that city hall has flooded finds the McGee’s racing out along with mayor LaTrivia. Has Fibbers trick finally worked? <br>