086: Stephen Vaughn on Building the Next Generation

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Stephen Vaughn talks about harnessing the limitless potential of young children:<br> <br> * Stephen's dream chasing journey<br> * A stage 4 cancer diagnosis<br> * Teaching in a high-poverty area<br> * Relating to students through painful life experiences<br> * Teaching physical education to 700 elementary kids per week<br> * Capturing kids at a young age = limitless potential <br> * Children writing down what they want to be when they grow up without a thought of any obstacles<br> * Dream Wall<br> * Showing kids who they can become with the right activities and intentions<br> * Activities to build confidence<br> * Jumping in without a safety net<br> * Becoming a Dream Chaser<br> * The structure of Dream Chasers programs<br> * School and parent involvement<br> * The Dream Chaser Challenge<br> * Family participation<br> * Activity + putting the right people in your life + mindset<br> * Functional fitness<br> * Building confidence and character<br> * 3 words that equate to being a Dream Chaser<br> * The rollercoaster of confidence<br> * Encouraging and loving one another for who we are<br> * Building others up<br> * Dream Chaser Code<br> * Mimicking the positive <br> * Bringing Dream Chasers to schools and communities<br> * Help wanted: passionate people<br> * Best advice to help kids stay focused on their dreams<br> * Helping kids understand the "why"