Hands-On Photography 6: So Many Ways To Edit

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Summary: <p>This week on Hands-On Photography, Ant Pruitt fires up Lightroom and Photoshop to edit his photos. It's an episode of HOP just before the US, Thanksgiving holiday and Ant just wants to show how he spends his evenings editing images of recent shoots. There are many ways to edit a photo and shares some of his techniques.</p> <p><strong>Host:</strong> <a href="https://twit.tv/people/ant-pruitt">Ant Pruitt</a></p> <p>Find Hands-On Photography on your favorite podcatcher. <a href="https://twit.tv/shows/hands-on-photography" target="_blank">https://twit.tv/shows/hands-on-photography</a></p> <p>Follow Ant Pruitt on Instagram <a href="https://instagram.com/ant_pruitt" target="_blank">https://instagram.com/ant_pruitt</a></p> <p>Follow TWiT on Instagram <a href="https://instagram.com/twit" target="_blank">https://instagram.com/twit</a></p> <p>Join the TWiT forums <a href="https://twit.community" target="_blank">https://twit.community</a></p> <p><strong>Sponsor:</strong></p><ul> <li><a href="http://FreshBooks.com/hop">FreshBooks.com/hop</a></li> </ul>