Great Gildersleeve – Leilas New Boy Friend. ep210, 460512

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Stopping in at Peavy’s drugstore, a dejected Gildersleeve seeks advice. The situation becomes awkward when Leila Ransom also pops in for a few sage words from the druggist. Might the two work things out on their own? Is there someone outside who Leila left with? <br> At home, the family notices that the great man is quiet and withdrawn. He hasn’t even yelled at Leroy for anything. A letter delivered to the wrong address is all the prompting Gildy needs to go calling on Leila. He also gets to meet Mark Wade, her new boyfriend. Gildy learns about the newspaper man, and intrudes on their personal moments. Does Mark hold a musical candle to Gildersleeve? Insults fly, but flimsy apologies are enough to appease Leila. <br> Pining away, Gildy decides to stalk Leila and Mark on their date. He eventually makes it to the meeting of the Jolly Boys for some encouragement. Gildy is still sensitive to jokes that fly. On the walk home, Gildy sulks, but knows he’s feeling down for not moving quicker with Leila. <br> Is there any hope to overcome the campy come ons that Mark is laying onto Leila? Can Gildyy supply some news of his own to the snooping Leroy and Marjorie? Mark may have news of his own to rock Leila’s boat. So when Gildyy shows up to lay down his final proposition, he finds an easy win. Will he go through with the wedding proposal he intended?<br>