474 How God Responds

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Today, I will teach you one of my greatest secrets to living well. A tool that has guided me countless times. It is a tool you’re guaranteed to already have, but perhaps no one has taught you to use it yet. That changes today!<br> But first, I must take you to Hebrews chapter 11. A chapter on faith. It starts off in verse 1 with “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” The message translation says it like this: “Faith is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”<br> What can faith do in your life? What has faith done in the lives of others? The next several verses in Hebrews 11 list people who’s lives were changed by faith. My favorite comes in verse 11. Listen to this: “And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.”<br> Enabled because she considered God faithful to his promises.<br> Enabled means given power and the ability to do something. Sarah, the 90 year old barren woman unable to have children her entire life, still believed God was able. And because of her faith, God did something miraculous in her life. Because of her faith she was strengthened and empowered.<br> What will you be enabled to do because you believe God is faithful to his promises? What will you receive because you have an unwavering faith? What will you be strengthened to do that is beyond your own abilities, as a result of your faith in a God who is able?<br> Your faith is the game changer. God responds to your faith.<br> As a teenager, my parents would say these 5 magical words which would keep me on the right path. Before I would leave for a date night they would say “we have faith in you.” They didn’t preach at me. They didn’t nag me. They simply told me they had faith in me. Faith in me to make the right choices. Faith in me to do the right thing. Now do you think there was any way I was going to go out and mess that up? Their parenting technique was brilliant! We have faith in you. It drew me in to their plans.<br> My husband now says the same thing to me before I take a stage. It’s his “go get ’em tiger” pep talk. I have faith in you. He believes I will do great things. He sees something in me I sometimes don’t see in myself. He has faith in me, and it brings out the best in me.<br> Yesterday I was texting with one of our BIG Life girls, Georgette. She’s on a mission to take back her health and claim all the days offered to her by God. Yesterday was a huge day of temptation as she catered in Thanksgiving lunch for all her employees. Pies … everywhere. Delicious pies. Pies happen to be one of Georgette’s weaknesses. She text me saying she didn’t know if she had the willpower to overcome this temptation. I told her “Georgette, I believe in you.” Sometimes we won’t do the hard things for ourselves, but we’ll do it when someone else believes in us. AND SHE DID!<br> When someone has faith in you, you’re willing to bring your best for them. And the same is true for God. Your faith in him draws him in and he just can’t resist showing up in your life to work! Sarah was enabled to do the impossible because she had faith that God would do what he said he would do. AND HE DID.<br> What has God promised you? Really, do you even know? If you haven’t studied his promises to you, then how can you specifically tell God you have faith in him to follow through? Have you ever prayed God’s promises over your life? Oh this is powerful stuff right here. Let me teach you how.<br> What are you needing in your life right now? Do you need guidance and direction? Do you need provision? Are in need of healing or strength, peace or wisdom?