Fibber McGee and Molly (NBC) – Fibber Cuts His Own Tree. 411216

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio skips plague the episode, a little bit at the beginning, but they come and go throughout the show.. <br> Driving downtown, Fibber and Molly go to pick out their Christmas tree. He brags on past exploits at bargaining against other customers, to buy the ideal tree. Mayor Latrivia pops in to interrupt Fibber’s exploits in his adventures in chopping down his own tree. A phone call, amid skipping audio reveals a miner scandal involving Myrt’s niece being kissed. An owl in Fibber’s tree gets in on the act to ask… what else… “who”? Will Fibber go out to play with the Old Timer in the snow? Will he at least have a joke about Molly’s broken window? <br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> Audio skips continue to plague the show as Martha Tilton sings, Thank Your Lucky Stars and Stripes. Fibber takes a cue from Lum and Abner, as he sings a round of, They Cut Down the Old Pine Tree, as he drags the tree into place. Abigail Uppington visits, and tells about her love for the wide open spaces. Bear hunter McGee isn’t afraid of anything… except that flapping, broken window of Molly’s. The branches of the tree need trimmed back to fit in the room, and it turns out to be the time for a visit from Harlowe Wilcox. <br> The audio keeps skipping, but mostly clears up for a visit from<br> Wallace Wimple. Sweetie Face, his big old wife, seems to be sick and seeing a doctor. The attack of the audio skips continue as the Kingsmen sing, Coming Through the Rye. <br> Taking a break from cutting down the tree, Molly learns he has been tinkering with the thermostat. No wonder it’s been so hot in here. Teeny pops in to bother Fibber’s tree cutting. He gives her a lesson in nature. With the tree trimmed down to a stick, Fibber turns back to his repair of the thermostat. <br> In epilog, the McGees pitch the patriotic duty of people to buy defense stamps. <br>