472 Let’s Talk Willpower

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Jesus did not come and die for you so that you could live a defeated life. He came to give you victory. Yes, victory in the area you’ve been defeated. Victory in the very circumstances of your life where you’re struggling most.<br> We become slaves to the things which we cannot control. Jesus came to set the captives free. What do you need freedom from? What is holding you back? What has towered over you for far too long, making you feel weak and incapable? Where is your defeat … Jesus wants to meet you there.<br> I work with a whole lot of women. I know women, I happen to be one of them. And I know this, we struggle. Hardcore struggle. We struggle with not being enough, then being too much. You think this struggle is by accident? Goodness gracious no … it’s by the design of an enemy who knows your potential and is threatened by you. Girl, if you weren’t a threat, you wouldn’t be attacked.<br> Most of us have a weak spot and it’s attacked on the daily. I see it beginning at such a young age in elementary girls, following us through to adulthood and wrecking havoc in every stage of life. What is it? Oh you likely know because you’ve personally fought in this female war … the battle of our bodies. Yes, our curves, our bulges, our lumps and bumps, wiggles and jiggles, the areas that are too much and the areas that aren’t enough.<br> Men, well they can sport a popping belly reminiscent of a 6 month pregnancy and not give a flying flip, while we’re over here incessantly covering our pooch with our strategic placement of folded arms. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s … the smaller your butt could possibly be in your jeans, the better. Then somewhere along the way they changed the game and now it’s all about slim thick. That booty be poppin’, but make sure that tummy is flat as a pancake.<br> Some obsess. But most of us … most of us secretly hate parts of ourselves and as a result we play little. We don’t show up for the opportunities, we don’t step up and shine … why … because we’re not in love with our bodies and we’re hiding parts of us so the world doesn’t see.<br> And … the enemy wins. He wins because the amazing, beautiful, powerhouse that you are sits it out. When you sit it out, your impact isn’t made. When you sit it out, your full love isn’t given, your voice isn’t heard, your gifts aren’t shared. And the world around you is missing out because you’re too busy still trying to strategically fold those arms. DANG IT THERE’S MORE TO YOU THAN THIS!<br> Imagine your creator witnessing this. Knowing what is in you, because he put it there. Knowing full well what you’re capable of because he made you for it. You, his beautiful masterpiece, hating parts of yourself. You, his beloved daughter, resigned to a life of defeat in this area when victory has always been yours.<br> So, let’s get to the nitty gritty here … let’s talk about what needs to change. If you’re struggling with your body, please understand at the end of your life you won’t look back and wish you would have forced yourself to fit into those jeans. You won’t hate how you looked in the photos. Here’s what you’ll hate … you’ll hate you weren’t in the photos. You’ll hate all the times you didn’t show up for your life over ANY reason that held you back … especially your jean size. And you’ll hate any days of your life that were available to you, allotted by the almighty for you to live, but you forfeited and missed them because your life was cut short over a lack of self-control, health and care.<br> Don’t let this be you.<br> Has the enemy been attacking your confidence through your body? Understand the devil doesn’t care about your jean size.