Collection View All The Things | Partly Cloudy

Channel 9 show

Summary: Partly Cloudy is the show where you'll learn how to build a Xamarin.Forms app from scratch all the way through deploying it to the App Stores! Along the way you'll see some Azure goodness sprinkled in to make a fully enabled real-world mobile app. In this episode we introduce the CollectionView. And the CollectionView can do a TON to make our app look a lot better. In fact, after this episode, our app is going to be very close to looking like the finished one. The CollectionView displays data just like the Xamarin.Forms ListView, but better. It can display data arranged vertically, horizontally, and in grids. It can display a template for when there is no data - AND - it can handle multiple item selection too. Tune in to find out how to use the power of the CollectionView! Show Links: All the code for this episode is on GitHub here.Episode recap post.Get to know the CollectionViewFind out how the CollectionView layouts workAll the info you ever wanted on selecting items in the CollectionViewFind out how to create empty viewsMicrosoft Learn course for learning Xamarin.Forms.Find Matt on: Twitter, GitHub, and his BlogFollow @codemillmattUseful Links: Learn more about Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, & Cross-platform developmentXamarin Developer Center & BlogMicrosoft Learn Self-Guided TrainingCreate a Free Account (Azure)Xamarin Developers YouTube ChannelXamarin on Twitter#XamarinForms #Xamarin #Azure #iOS #Android #AzureFunctions #AzureCognitiveServices #AppCenter