Lum and Abner – Cedric’s Testimony. 450612

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Consulting together in the feed room, Abner is having doubts in Lu m’s ability as his lawyer. Is it too late to hire another one? It seems that every time Lum says something, another charge is piled up against Abner. <br> Court is in session. Cedric takes the witness stand to tell the truth as he knows it. As the guide to relay information to Abner, was he privy to plans that Abner had in using the robot? Namely a list of folks to take Revenge on. <br> Will his testimony of finding the robot, and the dead bull be hurtful, or helpful to Abner? In trying to portray Abner’s good character, the lad brings up more grounds to add to Abner’s charges. <br>