Best of: How to Monetize Your Content With Memberships

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br>  <br> Want to learn more strategies on how to gain traction to your website?<br> Listening in on today's episode might give you ideas as we help our guest grow his online business by improving his strategies.<br> <br> In this week’s Flipped Lifestyle episode, we have returning guest, Flip Your Life community member and music enthusiast, Kevin DePew.<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> Kevin started playing the guitar when he was 15 years old. He had written and recorded songs, played in a rock band in his youth and had always loved the therapeutic effects of music.<br> <br> His hobbies had to take the backseat though, when he and his wife, had to focus on their roles in raising their family.<br> <br> Now with their children grown and their nest empty, Kevin is back and is thrilled to share his talent and passion to the world - this time as a teacher-writer hybrid.<br> <br> Kevin has so much content on his website, <a href=""></a>, but it appears that it will take more than that to get the membership started.<br> <br> Join us as we discuss strategies that will help overcome Kevin’s current online business challenges.<br> <br> So tune in and enjoy this information packed episode with us!<br> <br> [Tweet "It doesn’t matter how good your lessons are if no one sees them. - Shane Sams"]<br> <br> [Tweet "Do one thing really, really good at first. You can’t be everywhere until you’re somewhere - Shane Sams"]<br> You Will Learn: <br> <br> * How to gain traction for your website.<br> * How to maximize your effort using content from different places.<br> * What does a Beta Membership look like and it’s advantages.<br> * Plus a lot more!<br> <br> Links and resources mentioned in today’s show:<br> <br> * <a href="">Flipped Lifestyle</a><br> * <a href="">Relax and Learn Guitar</a><br> * <a href="">Kevin’s First FL On Air Call </a><br> * <a href="">Legoland Review </a><br> <br> Enjoy the podcast; we hope it inspires you to explore what’s possible for your family!<br> <br> <a href="">Click here to leave us an iTunes review</a> and subscribe to the show! We may read yours on the air!<br> Can’t Miss Moments<br> Each week Jocelyn and I share moments that we might have missed if we had not started our online business. We hope these moments inspire you to see the possibilities and freedom online business could provide for your family.<br> <br> “Today’s Can’t Miss Moment is volunteering at Isaac’s school. Not too long ago, they had some testing and after their testing, depending on what scores they get, they have a wall of handprints where the children can put their handprint on if they receive distinguished scores. I was able to take some time off, go up to his school and I was able to see him actually put his handprint up on the wall for scoring those distinguished scores. It just means so much to him to have me there at his school, just to support him and be there when he’s there.  He thinks that’s really cool.  So, I’d love to be able to go there from time to time and volunteer.”<br> <a href=""></a>You can connect with S&amp;J on social media too!<br>  <a href=""></a><br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> <a href=""></a>