Fibber McGee and Molly – Bergen And Mccarthy Come To Movie Premiere. ep300, 411111

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: At the airport, the McGee’s wait to pick up their friend and co-star in their movie,. Edgar Bergen. Before he arrives, the Old Timer shows up to have his joke drowned out by airrcraft that buzz past. Will the old gent help Fibber by complimenting his performance in the film? The Kingsmen sing, I Like a Balalaika. <br> Bergen and McCarthy arrive to help tease Abigail; Uppington. She still invites them all over to her house for a midnight supper. Might she have eyes for Edgar? Harlowe Wilcox is to say a few words at the premier, but claims to be nervous. He still manages a good sponsor pitch. <br> At home, the gang start dressing for the big event, when Teeny pops in too spar with Charlie. Is she the girl of his dreams? Teeny gets confused over ice skating and osculating, but handles the little wolf just fine. Martha Tilton sings, I See a Million People. <br> At the Bijou. The crowd is just exiting the theater to be met by Mayor LaTrivia. A quick phone call gets Mirt the operator on the line, and word on her relative in the hoosegow. Will the Old Timer come through on his promises made to Fibber? <br>