Lum and Abner – More Charges. 450611

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Unexpected charges pile up against Abner through no fault of his own. Returning to the court room scene in the Jot Em Down store, Squire and Lum are embattled in presenting their respective cases. Might Ira be at fault for allowing his livestock to roam free? <br> Taking a break, Lum and Abner discuss the case in the feed room… er… judges chambers. The heat is on, and Squire is on the ball. Can he make it seem that Robert was prone to violent acts? Can he make it clear that Abner had full control over the robot at all times ? <br> Lum points out that at the time of the killing of the bull, the remote control was broken. There’s no way to say that Abner, or anybody else had control of Robert. Still, Squire has a counter to the claim, and a legal precedent to Bach his case. <br>