"We Don't Care": Swing State Voters React to Impeachment Hearings

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Sputnik News analysts and producers Walter Smolarek and Nicole Roussell.<br><br><br>Friday is Loud &amp; Clear’s weekly hour-long segment The Week in Review, about the week in politics, policy, and international affairs. Today they focus on the impeachment inquiry, Ukrainian election interference, a new agreement in Chile, the Bolivian protests against the ongoing coup, and the mass killings in Gaza this week.<br><br> <br><br>Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovich testified today before the House impeachment committee. Yovanovich said that she was encouraged to tweet supportively about President Trump and when she didn’t do so, she was recalled and her career effectively ended. That was apparently at the urging of presidential pal Rudy Giuliani. Dan Kovalik, a human rights and labor lawyer who is the author of the book “The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela: How the US is Orchestrating a Coup for Oil.” joins the show.<br><br> <br><br>The public is beginning to learn more about Bolivia’s interim president Jeanine Añez. She declared herself president after all of Bolivia’s constitutional successors resigned in what was a military and police coup that overthrew President Evo Morales. Añez is a born again evangelical Christian and opponent of participatory democracy, but only if you happen to be indigenous or leftist. Meanwhile, in Chile, the Congress has reached an agreement to reform the constitution, which would become “100 percent democratic,” compared to the current constitution, which was passed during the dictatorial regime of Augusto Pinochet. Brian and John speak with Patricio Zamorano, an academic and international analyst and Co-Director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, COHA.<br><br> <br><br>UK nationals voted three and a half years ago to leave the European Union, an action that has become known as Brexit. The decision has upended British politics and has polarized the country. Now we’ve learned of an unpublished UK government report on alleged Russian influence in the Brexit vote. The report was compiled by the British intelligence services. But why keep it a secret? Neil Clark, a journalist and broadcaster whose work has appeared in The Guardian, The Week, and Morning Star, joins the show.<br><br> <br><br>Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley planned an event at George Washington University this week to promote her new book -- and her future political career. But students activists used the event to denounce her record as a strident defender of U.S. war and aggression around the world. Hajira Asghar, a George Washington University student and steering committee member with Students Against Imperialism, joins Brian and John.<br><br> <br><br>It’s Friday! So it’s time for the week’s worst and most misleading headlines. Brian and John speak with Steve Patt, an independent journalist whose critiques of the mainstream media have been a feature of his site Left I on the News and on twitter @leftiblog, and Sputnik producer Nicole Roussell.