Lest We Forget

Europe Calling show

Summary: Forming a government in Spain will be more complicated than ever after Sunday's election : big gains for the far right and left the winning Socialist Party (PSOE) with 120 seats, 56 short of a parliamentary majority. The leader Ciudadanos (Citizens), Albert Rivera, resigned from his role Having picked up 57 seats in April 28 poll, Ciudadanos fell to just 10 seats on Sunday The PP and far-right Vox made major gains. As a preliminary step, Vox wants the immediate devolution of powers over education, health, security and justice, and to curtail regional legislative power as much as possible. Vox wants to “shut down fundamentalist mosques,” to “regain control of our borders,” and to “arrest and deport extremist imams.” Spaniards do not have a good level of English. In fact, surveys from the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, and a report from the foreign language company, Education First, place Spain close to the bottom of the ladder compared to the rest of Europe when it comes to English proficiency. Furious Britons hit back at David Starkey's 'shameful' slurs about Remembrance Sunday imposing 'poppy fascism' by pointing out the fallen died for 'freedom not fascism' and that no one is forced to take part. The day we forget, is the day humanity will end. Perhaps a third war will warm people towards remembering the last two wars rather than living in a bubble. Emily Thornberry to shrug off fears that Jeremy Corbyn would put Britain's security at risk - by claiming he will not have sole control of the nuclear deterrent. The Polish Prime Minister has accused Netflix of 'rewriting history' after a popular documentary included a map showing Nazi death camps inside the borders of modern Poland.