Whats limiting You around Abundance! 307

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Summary: Do you have effortless abundance around you and your loved ones?  Not just finances but emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually.  Do you come from scarcity.  Our thoughts create our world and we can manifest whatever we allow our thoughts to manifest.  Are our actions aligned with our thoughts?  A book written over 100 years ago by Wallace d Watts its called the science of getting rich.  Very interesting read.<br>  <br> Quick Question to have you in effective Actions.<br> Get a note book and pen and ask yourself<br> Where are letting lack abundance or thoughts of lack of abundance stop you?<br> Is this because you have a barrier or a limiting belief?<br> Is this a habitual pattern that limits your ability to experience fulfillment in the area of abundance?<br> If you creating a new belief what could become available?<br> What and who are your resources?<br> Write two new possible beliefs you could have?<br> What could possible become available if you took new actions from that belief?<br> What are two new actions you could take right now and write them down now?<br> Take those new actions within 24 hrs.<br>  <br> WATCH U TUBE CLAIRE MY last days (Unbelievable)<br> Go for it!  I want on my grave stone she burned out instead of rusted out!  What do you want them to say about you?<br> Ask yourself are your actions and speaking in alignment with what you are committed to? Look at what are the habitual patterns that have that commitment thwarted?  Are you willing to take responsibility for when it doesn’t go that way you want or the way you expected and clean up your part? Are you willing to let go of Expectations of yourself and others?  What are you not being truthful about to yourself and others.<br>  <br> Our thoughts can be like a junk drawer-we need to take inventory and get rid of what is  not useful! (wendy b)<br> I want to  personally  hear about your dreams and goals.  I will give you  one amazing tip that will help you out.  I will call people who let me  know they left a five star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on iTunes, google plus, blubrry the podcast providers I use.  Just hit the button subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number 5.!<br> Write me at Wendyb@thrivingatsixty.com<br> Anything that is said on this podcast and any before or after are from my views only.<br>  <br>  <br> Thanks for Listening! Lets get you unstuck!<br>