Exorcist II: The Heretic - Satan is a nepotistic boss

Stinker Madness - The Bad Movie Podcast show

Summary: <p>Six (count them - SIX!) Oscar nominated actors took a look at this garbage script and STILL signed up to do it. It's absolutely nonsensical. It's painfully boring. And it ALL sucks butt. Blech.</p> <p>It's like they tried to say something in this film but had no idea what that was before they reached the end of the writing, so they just crammed in a bunch of nonsense to try to make a statement. If anyone can decipher what that statement is....</p> <p>The acting stinks but not in a fun way. It looks like garbage but not in a fun way. In fact, I'm over this POS. I don't want to talk about it any more.</p> <h3>Streaming Do's and Don'ts</h3> <ul> <li> <em>Prom Night</em> - Amazon Prime</li> <li> <em>Spy Hard</em> - Netflix</li> <li> <em>Sleepaway Camp</em> - Amazon Prime</li> </ul>