Howling II: Wait..hold on. MY Sister's a Werewolf?

Stinker Madness - The Bad Movie Podcast show

Summary: <p>Buckle up for banana business as were-monkey-wolves try to throw a <em>killer</em> birthday party. Every <em>body</em> is invited. Leave your <em>head</em> at the door. It'll be a <em>bloody</em> good time. Ok..well unless Christopher Lee and some townies are party-crashers. Then you'll get shot up pretty good.</p> <p>When you put Reb Brown next to Sir Christopher Lee, and then have a bunch of guys in <em>Planet of the Apes</em> costumes pretend (or not?) be werewolves, you're destined to have a mind-boggling mess on your hands. This thing is bafflingly bad. The events that transpire are sorta clear, but why they happen is absolutely nonsense. Best we can determine is that a lady's birthday orgy gets interrupted because he brother shows up.</p> <p>It's gory as hell, hilarious from the opening frames, chock full of nudity, awful one-liners (from the forever wooden Reb), 80's new wave, insanely uncomfortable costumes and plenty of terrible acting and dialogue. <em>Howling II </em>is exactly what one signs up for in enjoying bad movies.</p>