Episode 8 - Emperor SMASH!!

TESO Elite Podcast: For All things Elder Scrolls Online show

Summary: Show Intro Staff Introductions + What have you been up this last week Hot Topics of the week “Ex” ZOS Employee Troll Post Patch 1.0.5 ZOS Ability to patch often and listen to our feedback. Veteran Content – Going from level 45+ style mobs and mechanics to newbie area mechanics. Lack Luster? Losing its Hype? – There is a lot of promised content, but the content we have is lacking in PvE and PvP getting stale already? Is the Immersion the only thing keeping active players active? Emperor. WTF OP!!!??? Build of the Week (Suggested by Shenten_Wolf on Twitter) – idea for build (kinda what im doing so I wanna compare) Dawns wrath Templar w 2hander group spec Shameless Plugs Outro Read more on TESO Elite: http://www.tesoelite.com/