1Q1A Dad's Maybe Book Tim O'Brien

The Avid Reader Show show

Summary: Good afternoon everyone and welcome to another edition of The Avid Reader. Today our guest is Tim O’Brien, best known over the past decades as the author of The Things They Carried, a book that changed my outlook on a lot of things, just as it did for one of the characters in this memoir, (or pretty modest level memoir.) Tim started off back in the 70s with If I Die In A Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home. He won the National Book Award for Northern Lights and Going After Cacciato. His other works include, in part, The Lake of the Woods, Tomcat in Love and July, July. As you will see in this book, his influences include Hemingway, Conrad, Faulkner . His collision with truth has run through his novels, if they all are novels, except perhaps with my favorite of his The Nuclear Age.