March Roundup 2019 – Episode 283

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Have you attended an AA or Al-Anon convention? My wife and I went to the March Roundup in Detroit, so I thought I'd give you a little trip report. If you haven't been to a convention, I encourage you to find one near you and go. Not only is it fun, but a weekend of concentrated recovery can really energize your own program.<br> Readings and Links<br> Jenn mentioned episode 161, <a href="/161">Dancing with Dementia</a>, in her email.<br> Jennifer asked about sponsorship. We've got a couple of episodes: <a href="/25">Sponsorship</a> (25) and <a href="/32">Sponsorship Round Table</a> (32), but maybe it's time to do another.<br> The <a href="">March Roundup program</a> can be found online if you're interested.<br> Upcoming<br> Our topic for next week is Acronyms and Alliterattions. Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email <a title="Send us mail" href=""></a> with your favorite acronym (QTIP?) or alliteration (4 M's?), and why.<br> <br> Music from the show<br> Sia: Chandelier<br> <br>  <br>  <br>