Spiritual Awakenings and Experiences – 296

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/DSC_5353.jpg"></a>What was your spiritual awakening? What spiritual experiences have you had?<br> Step 12 starts with “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps…”. The AA “Big Book” speaks of “a spiritual experience” as a key to recovery. What's going on here? Do we have to have some sudden “white light” experience to truly be in recovery?<br> Both traditions answer, firmly, “No.” The Big Book says, simply, “Most of us think this awareness of a Power greater than ourselves is the essence of spiritual experience.” Al-Anon's book How Al-Anon Works affirms that “more commonly … we experience a gradual awakening of the spirit”.<br> I found meaning in the story of the Buddha, who, shortly after his enlightenment, was questioned by a person he encountered on the road if he was a god, a wizard, a man? To which he responded, “no”. When the man asked “Well, what are  you then?”, the Buddha said “I am awake.”<br> In this episode, 4 people describe a spiritual awakening or experience from their lives.<br> Readings and Links<br> We read from<br> <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/book-how-alanon-works" rel="nofollow">How Al-Anon Works</a>, Chapter 8, Step Twelve.<br> <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/book-aa-big-book">Alcoholics Anonymous</a>, Appendix II<br> A listener wrote about the Al-Anon book <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/book-having-had-a-spiritual-awakening">Having had a Spiritual Awakening</a>, and how it led him to a gentle awakening.<br> Want to contribute?<br> Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email <a title="Send us mail" href="mailto:feedback@therecoveryshow.com">feedback@therecoveryshow.com</a> with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.<br> <br> Music from the show<br> Carrie Newcomer: If Not Now<br> <br> Climbing PoeTree: Being Human (read it <a href="http://www.climbingpoetree.com/experience/read-poems/being-human/" class="broken_link">here</a>.)<br> Dervish dancing (Sama)<br> <br>  <br>