Take it or Leave it – 304

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: We often say “take what you like and leave the rest.” How can I apply this concept of “take it or leave it” in my life?<br> Free dictionary “take it or leave it” idioms <a href="https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/take+it+or+leave+it">https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/take+it+or+leave+it</a><br> <br> Things I will (want to) take;<br> <br> (What I like …)<br> Help<br> Change <br> Compliments<br> Growth<br> Notice<br> Encouragement<br> Validation<br> Progress<br> Time<br> A breath<br> Some space<br> My feelings (all of them)<br> Changed attitudes<br> Optimism<br> Positivity<br> Care of myself (first)<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Things I will Not (don’t want to) take;<br> <br> Other people’s problems, burdens<br> Other people’s responsibilities<br> “It personally”<br> Ultimatums<br> Offense<br> Demands<br> Blame<br> Expectations<br> Resentment<br> Anger<br> Name calling<br> Sarcasm<br> Bad attitudes<br> The bait, the rope<br> <br> <br> Things (I want) to Leave;<br> <br> (The rest…)<br> Negativity (others)<br> Negativity (mine)<br> Stinking Thinking<br> The past<br> Impatience<br> Ultimatums<br> Blame<br> Fear<br> <br> <br> <br> Readings and Links<br> We read from <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/book-how-alanon-works" rel="nofollow">How Al-Anon Works</a>, Chapter 4 (Understanding Ourselves and Alcoholism – Searching for Answers) and Chapter 6 (The Family Disease of Alcoholism, Recognizing our Options).<br> <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/book-courage-to-change">Courage to Change</a>, October 29.<br> Listeners mentioned several episodes, including these<br> <br> * 229, <a href="/229">Holiday Expectations</a><br> * 134, <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/134">Holiday Survival Kit</a><br> * 293, <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/293">Lynne – Grief can be a wonderful thing</a><br> * 301, <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/301">Geneviève – Together we can make it</a><br> * 303, <a href="https://therecoveryshow.com/303">Michele B – My Solutions were my Problems</a><br> <br> Add your voice<br> Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email <a title="Send us mail" href="mailto:feedback@therecoveryshow.com">feedback@therecoveryshow.com</a> with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.<br> <br> Music from the show<br> The Clash: Should I Stay or Should I Go<br> <br> The Eagles: Take it Easy<br> <br> Cage the Elephant: Take it or Leave it<br> <br> “Blank Stares” by Jay Allen was suggested by a listener.<br> <br>  <br>