Nehemiah Audio Drama - Part 2

Message to Kings - A Biblical History of Man show

Summary: Join us for a special listener supported audio drama on Nehemiah and the Walls of Jerusalem. Credits: John Gillis: Nehemiah Brett Heaston: Haniah, King Artaxerxes Jannel Heaston: King Artaxerxes' Wife Madelyn Heaston: Shallum, Elizabeth Russ Stewart: Captain Gersheb, Geshem Joshua Taylor: Hanun, Shemaiah, Sanballat, Trumpeteer, Messenger Mr Harris: Shallun Renee Harris: Shallun's Wife Simeon Harris: Simeon Dan Tomandl: Ezra, Tobiah Special Thanks to Ryan Amon of City of Fallen for his use of tracks from his Divinus Album on this podcast special.