BumbleKast #104 – PC Gaming: Retro & Modern

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: On this episode of the BumbleKast, Ian and Kyle dive into their personal history with gaming on the personal computer!<br> <br> Patreon Perk – Jump the Q&amp;A: 50:30<br> <br> Support the show on Patreon and Ko-Fi!<br> Shop the BumbleStore!<br> <br> <br> <br> Show Information<br> Your hosts:<br> <br> Ian "BumbleKing" Flynn - Head writer of Sonic the Hedgehog comics for IDW Publishing and Mega Man for Archie Comics, also writing for Archie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more<br> Kyle "KyleJCrb" Crouse - Founder &amp; Administrator of the KNGI Network, host of the Nitro Game Injection video game music podcast<br> <br> Subscribe and listen on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Play<br> <br> RSS Feed for podcast apps and readers<br> Check out BumbleKing Comics and the KNGI Network<br> Like BumbleKing Comics &amp; KNGI on Facebook<br> Follow @BumbleKast, @IanFlynnBKC &amp; @KyleJCrb on Twitter<br> Get some BumbleGear at the BumbleStore - https://shop.spreadshirt.com/bumblestore/<br> <br> Original music in this episode composed by Ken "coda" Snyder, used with permission – Check out his music on Bandcamp<br> Intro remix version by Tee Lopes!<br> Special Thanks to our friends at Noise Channel! Pay what you want for the theme song and more great music as part of their charity compilation Noisechan &amp; Nugget: Adventures in Chiptunes<br> <br> Want to have your product promoted on the show? Check out the Patreon site to find out how!<br> <br> Want to ask us a question? Ask at:<br> <br> Twitter at @BumbleKast<br> Email bumblekast [at] yahoo [dot] com<br> YouTube comments<br> Patrons can post on Patreon – https://patreon.com/bumblekast<br> <br> PATREON PRIORITY Q&amp;A<br> <br> Andrew D.<br> <br> Are there limitations to original characters and magical items that you can create? For example, are you allowed to make your own robotic Sonic, your own primordial being like Dark Gaia, or your own set of gems? As for the Warp Topaz, were there restrictions on what you could and couldn’t do with it?<br> <br> EggmanInc<br> <br> Did Ian ever have any plans involving the content from Sonic Colors? Was it ever brainstormed?<br> <br> Ian Waffles<br> <br> Ian, how do you keep yourself personally invested in the Sonic the Hedgehog series when it’s been your job for the past decade? I often take breaks from being into the Sonic series, or any series I like, and come back periodically. You haven’t had that luxury so I wondered how you could keep that balance of being a fan of the series, and working for the series. Thank you for your time.<br> <br> BlueTidalGamer<br> <br> My question for this episode involves the recent issue of IDW Sonic, Issue 22. A real soul-crusher of an issue, I loved it! So when the Monkey civilian revealed that he was infected and thus started the chaos, I wonder how he got in if Gemerl is the one scanning people for signs of infection? Is this something that might get addressed in the future, or shall it remain a mystery?<br> <br> STANDARD Q&amp;A<br> <br> Bcrossfire<br> <br> If the Mega Man comic had gotten all the way to the MM6 arc, do you think you would have expanded on the 1st Annual Robot Tournament? Like by adding a ton of new Robot Masters? Maybe covered the tournament battles proper in a miniseries?<br> <br> Okami O.<br> <br> Hiya, Ian! I had a question regarding my two favorite IDW original characters from the Sonic comics, Rough and Tumble. Do you think you may ever get around to exploring their backstory in the future? Answering questions like how Tumble's tail got detached, why did they become evil mercenaries by the time Forces occurred, and who exactly is the oldest of the two? And a possible miniseries starring them like with Tangle and Whisper? Thanks a bunch for your time!<br> <br> Liam B.<br>