"Nannette Hammond"

Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: Nannette Hammond known as the "Human Barbie Doll" as she has spent close to $500,000 on plastic surgery and everyday upkeep. She also is the 2018 Playboy Playmate of the Year and will be appearing in Playboy, yet again, in November with one of her girlfriend.<br><br>Nannette has already spent nearly $500,000 on plastic surgery to turn herself into a real-life Barbie doll and has no plans to stop. The 46-year-old Cincinnati mother of five even has a pink Barbie car to complete the look. And the car is a convertible to top it all.<br><br>She has shown the progress of becoming the "Human Barbie" on Instagram, where she's got over 300,000 followers! Many of her photos are taken by her children, whose ages range from 5 to 16, and they all attend private schools. Her husband Dave also takes the photos. Kevin asked her about how her kids deal with the attention, and she says she tells them to ignore any negative stuff that's said. She agrees that she's the "hot mom" of the PTA (as Kevin refers her to) and that people will talk and that's fine, none of that bothers her. "I know they probably talk and gossip about me, but I really don't care," she says. "Parents can think what they want and say what they want about my appearance but it doesn't bother me. I've taught my children to rise above it."<br><br>She began when she was 21, with a breast augmentation while she was working at Hooters Restaurant. She got another breast augmentation after, taking her from a B-cup to a DD. Then, she started getting Botox injections regularly and collagen filler for her lips. She's still getting the procedures every few months when she feels she needs them. Kevin asked her if she travels to a specific surgeon to get her work done and she said most of it is done right in Cincinnati.<br><br>In her early 30s, she started getting hair extensions and eyelash extensions. She also spray tans, as she says after watching "The Doctors" and realizing the possibility of skin cancer, she stopped light tanning. She also gets manicures and pedicures, monthly.<br><br>She got another breast augmentation job at 38, bringing her cup size to 28H. (She says the "H" stands for "Hammond". Haha. She's also considering going bigger. Her most recent surgery was for dental veneers on her teeth, costing over $50,000. Kevin talks about all he can afford is Crest 3D White Strips for $50.<br><br>"It's worth every penny to look like this. I feel happy and secure." she tells the boys. She's the happiest she's ever been and when asked what she says to nay-sayers about possibly doing it for attention, she says she "does it for herself, and no one else. I mean, I just don’t care," she said. "I have nothing to hide and I am who I am."<br><br>Find her here - <a href="https://instagram.com/nannettehammond">https://instagram.com/nannettehammond</a><br><br>Vote for her friend, Andrea Prince to be Mexico's Playmate of the year here - <a href="http://www.playboy">http://www.playboy</a>,mx/playmate-2019/<br><br>Thank you to Nannette for joining the guys on the podcast and we look forward to hearing from her again in the future!