083: Betty Jean Bell on You Are a Babe (right now!)

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Betty Jean Bell talks about retraining your brain to celebrate yourself:<br> <br> * Personal journey<br> * Being bullied for a body<br> * Leaning on food and future success for comfort and worth<br> * Idea that "success = safety"<br> * Believing that we need to look a certain way to be loved<br> * Being mute for 18 months<br> * What do YOU need to make yourself feel good<br> * Your brain and your body love you<br> * Focus on feeling good right now at the moment<br> * The problem with "someday" goals<br> * The beliefs that keep women stuck<br> * Getting what you want with what you have right now<br> * Mastering your mind<br> * The "fixing" mentality<br> * Thought habits<br> * Mantras over affirmations<br> * Reprogramming the neuropathways<br> * Retraining the brain to celebrate yourself<br> * Being uncomfortable with change<br> * Honoring your own dream<br> * Transformation requires a peer group that is on the same path as you<br> * The team mentality<br> * What is precious is a priority<br> * Not taking "no" as an answer<br> * Overhauling the "You Are A Babe" 12-week program<br> * Ending body hatred<br> * Reclaiming power around beauty<br> * Finding self-confidence through Instagram<br> * Learning how to take beautiful photos<br> * Importance of external beauty to seeing yourself with love