Episode 259: DXpedition Costa Rica and CQWW SSB Contest

Ham Radio 2.0 show

Summary: This is our 2019 DXpedition to Costa Rica, and my 3rd time to attend this trip. We were able to work some great contacts on the CQWW SSB contest this weekend, and I operated as TI7/KC5HWB.<br><br>We also setup a FlexRadio 6400 to a 20M dipole antenna that we left running at the facility - using the FlexRadio Smartlink account that we associated with that radio, myself and several others will be able to work as TI7 remotely from the USA, on a radio and antenna in Costa Rica. More videos about this coming soon.<br><br>Check my new QRZ Page: <a href="https://www.qrz.com/db/TI7/KC5HWB" rel="noopener">https://www.qrz.com/db/TI7/KC5HWB</a>