082: Dr. Anna Cabeca on Keto Clean Living for Women

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Dr. Anna Cabeca talks about the importance of alkalizing your keto diet:<br> <br> * Dr. Cabeca's personal story<br> * The devastation of diagnoses <br> * Acting based on love or fear<br> * The effect grief has on physiology <br> * Major and minor transformations<br> * Getting into a flow<br> * Becoming self-aware<br> * Keto Green living<br> * Alkalinity <br> * Medicating ADD<br> * Becoming "keto crazy"<br> * Urine PH as a vital sign<br> * What all creates an acidic urine PH<br> * PH levels telling us how we handle life<br> * Health benefits of alkaline urine PH<br> * Getting alkaline PH while being keto<br> * Being in tune with your heart's desires<br> * Getting into ketosis is essential<br> * Keto clean living<br> * Women are completely different from men<br> * Thyroid numbers improving<br> * 10% fasting, 80% keto, 10% feasting<br> * Metabolic flexibility<br> * How long it takes to get into ketosis<br> * The components of a keto green lifestyle<br> * Maca root<br> * Alkaline water<br> * Green breakfast bowl<br> * Sprouts for detoxing<br> * Making sure there are alkalizers on every plate<br> * Counting macros<br> * Stress affecting blood sugar and ability to get into ketosis<br> * "Get your Nancy Drew on!"<br> * Using Weight Watchers points<br> * How often to test urine PH<br> * Go to bed and wake up alkaline <br> * Feast days<br> * Restriction fatigue<br> * Working with Dr. Cabeca<br> * "The Hormone Fix" book<br> * Test, don't guess