Inform Me (Bing News API) | Partly Cloudy

Channel 9 show

Summary: Partly Cloudy is the show where you'll learn how to build a Xamarin.Forms app from scratch all the way through deploying it to the App Stores! Along the way you'll see some Azure goodness sprinkled in to make a fully enabled real-world mobile app. This episode is all in the cloud! We create a Bing News Search service in Azure and connect our Azure Function to it - then return the news to our app! Why not just talk to Bing News Search directly from our mobile app? Tune in and find out! Show Links: All the code for this episode is on GitHub hereEpisode recap postMicrosoft Learn course for learning Xamarin.FormsFind out more on Bing News SearchFind Matt on: Twitter, GitHub, and his BlogFollow @codemillmattUseful Links: Learn more about Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, & Cross-platform developmentXamarin Developer Center & BlogMicrosoft Learn Self-Guided TrainingCreate a Free Account (Azure)Xamarin Developers YouTube ChannelXamarin on Twitter