The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: HEARTSET: HOW TO TRAIN YOUR HEART TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF<br> PODCAST #357<br> When you learn how to train your heartset you will also reap positive residual benefits for your mindset so that you believe in yourself with unshakeable confidence. <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're going to be chatting about:<br> <br> What heartset is, and the relationship it has with mindset ... and ultimately how these things relate to confidence<br> How to train your heartset, in real-life, practical ways, and why you should do it<br> Why training your heartset very well might give you the unfair advantage for success that you've been looking for, and then how to do it with structure and purpose so you get the results you want. <br> <br> <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> Beana0409, Such a helpful podcast! 5-Stars!<br> I just finished my first coaching session with Trish and I feel so inspired! She is easy to talk to and made me feel valued from the very start of the call. I love the podcasts and have become a lifetime members of the College of Confidence. I feel like I was led to find this podcast at a crucial time in my life and am so thankful for the growth I feel from it. <br> <br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE:<br> You might have missed our 7-day Toxic Thought Journal Challenge, but you haven't missed out completely yet. I want to offer my 21-Day Toxic Thought Freedom Journal, also called the Freedom Journal, to anyone who wants to finally establish a healthy and effective journaling process in their lives.<br> You can grab the journal for free, and also get bonus access to my 7-Day Journaling Coaching Video Course, which will help you successfully establish a productive new journaling routine.  To get the journal and get started, go to www.trishblackwell.com/freedomjournal <br>  <br> TRAING THE HEARTSET, DEFINITION:<br> Showing up to do what you do with an open heart. <br> Mindset is only half of success, heartset is the other half. <br> DEFINITION OF HEARTSET:<br> Heartset is the state of your heart and the atmosphere of your ability to believe in yourself or in something. Your hearset is a measure of your openness towards faith in what you cannot see and confidence in what you have not yet accomplished. <br> EXPLANATION:<br> Heartset determines your happiness. <br> Mindset determines the thought patterns and paradigms of thinking in different situations, it is the structure of the mental realm.<br> Heartset determines the emotional patterns and feelings that arise in different situations, it is the structure of the emotional realm.<br> If the Mindset is responsible for the way we use our thoughts our Heartset is responsible for the way we use our emotions in different situations<br>  <br> HOW TO TRAIN YOUR HEARTSET:<br> <br> 15-Minutes/Day of Free Time.<br> Slowing down to have time for you to hear your heart.<br> Engaging in things that make your soul sing.<br> Showing up for what brings you life, even when you don’t know the outcome.<br> Being intentional about being bold in your thoughts, goals, and beliefs.<br> Mindfulness over your “state” and heart attitude.<br> Get enough sleep – sleep deprivation and stress makes the state of your heart toxic.<br> Go all in on abundance and generosity – where you heart is, there too will be your treasure <br> Take the full course on Heartset (available within the College of Confidence)<br> Get a coach who understands the difference between heartset and mindset and how to coach you on both<br> <br> HOW TO USE BELIEF TO STEP OUT<br> Life is a trust fall – but a safe one. <br> Go through the worst case scenario and remember that you are okay. <br> Your comfort zone won’t serve you or the world. <br> Inspire yourself to serve others and make a difference in this world – and to do that you have to be uncomfortable.<br> Let us not confuse belief with comfort or natural faith.