451 God Thinks About You

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Our scripture for today is I Peter 5:7. You’ve likely heard this scripture before “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” In my studies I came across this scripture using The Living Bible and honestly it rocked my world with a whole new meaning. “Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.”<br> WHAT?!!!!!!!! In all my years, somehow no one has ever told me that God is actually thinking of me. I’ve always known God could hear me. That he could see me. But THINKING of me? His thoughts are filled with me? Oh this takes it to a whole new level doesn’t it?<br> He is always thinking about you. God, the almighty creator of the entire universe, the master of all, the one who holds the whole world in his hand is THINKING OF YOU. You really must be someone special!<br> I send and receive hundreds of texts per day. Occasionally I will receive a message that makes my entire day. It’s a simple message and it goes kinda like this … “Hey Pamela, I was just thinking of you today.” That’s it. Someone was thinking of me. I immediately feel loved and cared for, valued and important. Don’t you feel the same way when you know someone is thinking of you?<br> And now we know, God is always thinking about us. At this very moment, God is thinking of you. Tiffany, I know you’re listening, God is thinking about you. Elisha, God is thinking about you. Becky, God is thinking about you. Brittany, God is thinking about you. Angela, Kim, Tracy, Jennifer, insert your own name and know with confidence God is thinking about you. You are on his mind. As he put the plans for this day of life into motion, he considered you. He thought about what would be best for you. He thought about what you need.<br> Don’t you know you are THIS loved and valued? Don’t you know the almighty has his mind set on you? Let this bring you confidence. God wants you to know he is always thinking about you so that you can have complete confidence in WHO you are. He is not only always thinking about you, but he is watching everything that concerns you. You don’t have to fret and worry, God knows everything that is coming your way. Every possible thing about to touch your life has to first go through him. Know this so you can experience the REWARD of knowing he sees you and thinks of you in every detail. Truly, this is a reward. Wear it like a badge of honor. God is thinking of ME!<br> Two of my children have gone through Basic Training is the US Army. Months of the hardest, most intense training away from every living soul they knew. When each of them left, their Daddy told them something of immeasurable value. He said, “you’ll be up early every morning (03:00 in fact). Every time you see that sun rise, know your Dad is up thinking of you and praying for you at that very moment.” Without fail, every morning as the sun came up, my husband was sitting on the deck thinking of his kids during their training. And this brought them confidence. The drill sergeants may have been barking down their throat, they may have been hating life, exhausted, missing home, and dreading the day, but they knew without a doubt when that sun was coming us, their Dad is up and thinking of them.<br> Did you know when the sun comes up every morning, your God is thinking of you? Did you know the colors in the sky are a result of God thinking of you? What if that hot pink sky was a message with your name on it, a reminder of your creator’s love for you specifically? When the wind blows and you hear the rustle of the leaves, that’s God thinking of you. It’s all God thinking of YOU.<br> And did you know while Jesus hung on that cross, sacrificing his life, he was thinking of you. I know that’s hard to imagine. You weren’t even born yet.