WKPWP - WWE SD Post-Show w/Keller & Fann: Bayley & Sasha on Miz TV, Kofi turn teased, live callers, on-site correspondent, mailbag

Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-shows show

Summary: PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch Dailycast host Rich Fann to review WWE Smackdown with live callers and answer mailbag questions including how the roster depth post-draft was handled tonight. Will WWE lean on a few top names too much and overexpose them? Have they built up some mid-carders to be relevant who can now shine with more breathing space? Also, reaction to Bayley and Sasha Banks on Miz TV, the latest Crown Jewel hype, Hulk Hogan's team announcement, Shorty G, and more. They also talk to an on-site correspondent from Indianapolis who details what happened before and after Smackdown on Fox, plus notes on what happened during commercial breaks that Fox viewers didn't see.<br><br>This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at <a href="https://www.spreaker.com/show/3275545/advertisement">https://www.spreaker.com/show/3275545/advertisement</a>