447 Hard Truth and Ridiculous Grace

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Today you and I woke up to the opportunity to start again. An opportunity to step into the fullness of God’s grace and mercy and receive a fresh start. But sadly, most will miss this opportunity. Instead we will receive the offer of the enemy to dwell on where we screwed up yesterday. The offer to stay stuck in the past hurts and failures. The offer to identify as a victim. And we belly up to the table time and time again to accept these worthless offers of the enemy which hold us back from our potential and have us playing little in our own lives.<br> What if that were to stop today. What if from this day forward we recognized the offerings of the enemy and saw them for what they are. What if we were completely turned off by settling. I mean repulsed because we finally know the truth.<br> In 2017 I lost one of my best friends. Catina was 34 years old and larger than life. No doubt if you knew her, you loved her. She was diagnosed with cancer, given 1 to 6 months to live and sadly the shorter end of that scale became the reality. One month was all she had. We immediately went into action mode when she was diagnosed grasping at anything, absolutely anything we could do to help her. This is when we came upon the research of the affects of sugar on our bodies. Did you know sugar feeds cancer cells? If you eliminate sugar, cancer cells begin to starve. With this knowledge, I went from a brownie loving, sweet tea guzzling, closet lover of Little Debbie snacks, to completely eliminating sugar from my diet. And it was easy. You know why? Because I was completely turned off by sugar. I was repulsed because I finally knew the truth. I knew sugar could kill my best friend. I knew sugar could kill me. Now when I see the Little Debbie nutty bars that used to taunt me and call my name “eat me Pamela”, ahhhh no, I see them for what they are … that’s cancer food and I want nothing to do with it.<br> This is what I’m proposing. I’m proposing we see every worthless offer from the enemy for exactly what it is and let it repulse us. Be so turned off by his lousy offers that we are never fooled again. If you could see how dwelling on yesterday’s mistakes only robs you of your strength for today, wouldn’t you let yesterday go? If you could really see how today’s potential is only diminished moment by moment as you relive those past hurts and failures, wouldn’t you finally move on and promise to never ever go back? I know this much, if you could really see how playing the victim makes you pitiful, you would never see yourself as the victim again. If you could see it for what it’s worth, you would never chose to be pitiful over being powerful. Never. If you could see how lazy is going to make you feel, no one could hold you back from taking action.<br> If you could taste even for a moment the life that is available to you, there’s not a person in this world who could make you settle for less. Your bad habits would be broken TODAY. Your laziness would vanish. Your procrastination would be left behind immediately. Nothing could hold you back from taking action if you could get a vision of your true potential.<br> God has a plan for you that will blow your mind. A purpose that is bigger than you could ever dare dream or imagine. Impact beyond anything you could fathom. He has a future available specifically for you that is big, bright and beautiful. But you have to choose it.<br> How do you choose what God has for you? You see the enemy’s offers for what they really are and you start refusing them. The days of settling have come and gone. That’s totally last year. Procrastination is out my friend. Just as I now see sugar as cancer food and I want nothing to do with it, you need to see the truth about guilt, shame, failure, insecurities, fear, and laziness. The truth is, these things are ruining your life.